miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

The thief of books

 Presentation Personal

Hello My name is Jojhan Dermey Espejo G, have fifteen years'm a person happy, study alfredo iriarte school, I'm in tenth grade.
I like,Absolutely love playing Basketball, Really like to eat lasagna, quite love is study to be a great professional, quite keen on buying my own stuff, love to go to movies with my bride, keen on in working, very keen on in the danced, also keen on to go to school, Absolutely love to driven my bicycle, I like to listen to music absolutely and me too dislike not very keen on pushing to my friends, don't Really to climbing mountains, don't Really like living with many people, don't keen on asking people thinks, Can't I breaking my stuff.

Gerundio + Infinitive 


He is studying in a private school 

He is working in father's company

She is dreaming with go to ride a Santamarta

She is flying a airplane with her friend Samantha

He is walking in the amusement's park


They go to school to learn mathematics

We go to play in the park and to ride bike

She is doing the tasks to your friend

He start to build his house 

Samantha going to eat in the restaurant of her Sister

Infinitive + gerundio

He is going to cook at restaurant

She is teaching to paint to the students

He is learning to dive a car

They are leaving to smoke

We are starting to build a house

She is Teaching to draw a landcape

He is learning to fly a airplane

We are leaving of drink beer

They are going to eat the restaurant

She is starting to work in a company

Below I leave the link to the recording of the voice :


Theodore didn't succeed in your relationship, in the last relationship, in the last relationship of him, thinkedabout of this relationship wasn't good.
Admited to be to blame him self, theodore didn't insist in follow the relationship.

Theodore bought an operative sistem with an he feelt attraction to samantha.
He was datingwith a woman bout the avoided have compromise because he was engaged with Samantha, the relationship of them succeed until the point they started the discussions.

She said bye because they go back talk more, Samantha leaved to go too far of him.


Germany's violence in the century XVIII, in this time practised frecuently, only it was admitted the nazism so it acussed to the communist and the jewishes.The people had a different way to think and dream others persons. The people insisted in about the nazism was an excelent ideology mandatory.
Often they had wars and those who risked the life it was the peoples. They considered about of the violence could succed and to have authority.
The persons who had the command, they took advantage of the power enjoying the authority.


La violencia en alemania en el siglo XVIII, en este tiempo se practicaba de manera constante, solo se admitía el nacizmo y acusaban a los comunistas y los judíos. La gente tenia una forma distinta de pensar y soñar a los demas, la gente insistia que el nacizmo era una excelente ideologia mandatoria.
A menudo ellos tenian guerras y quienes arriesgaban la vida eran los ciudadanos. Ellos consideraban que la violencia podria tener exito y tener mandato, Las personas quienes tenian el comando aprovechaban el poder disfrutando la autoridad.

The Knowledge

The girl imagined a better world, I dreamed a lot as that Leia too many books, She Thinked  that as you read took on a much better thinking, It considered that books were very interesting because they had several thematic that she liked, When reading Books imagined the scenes that it contained the book with a great imagination, Although in that time the books were insisting that enjoyed excellent were suspended. Thanks to her extensive book knowledge to the fullest.

Below I attach the videos:

Bob Marley Alalala Long

Buffalo soldier

Thank you for your attention given